25-27 MARCH 2025
Gabriele Ballarino, Moris Triventi, Giulia Dotti Sani, Anne-Marie Jeannet, Emanuela Struffolino, Guido Salza, Floriane Bolazzi
Daniele Checchi
Patterns of transition from secondary to tertiary education
Daniele Checchi has been a Professor of Economics at the University of Milan (Italy). He holds an MA from Bocconi University, an MSc from the London School of Economics, and a PhD from the University of Siena. He has served in key advisory roles in Italy, focusing on education and public policy. His research interests include the economics of education, intergenerational mobility, labor market institutions, and union density. He is the author of The Economics of Education: Human Capital, Family Background, and Inequality (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and has published in leading journals such as Economic Policy, Journal of Public Economics, Socio-Economic Review, Economics of Education Review, and European Sociological Review.
Florencia Torche
The early origins of disadvantage: Prenatal exposures and individual health and wellbeing around the world
Florencia Torche is the Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Sociology and Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. She holds a BA from the Catholic University of Chile and an MA and PhD in Sociology from Columbia University. Her research focuses on social inequality, social mobility, educational disparities, and family dynamics. Her recent work investigates how early-life exposures, starting before birth, influence individual health, development, and well-being, using natural experiments and causal inference approaches. Professor Torche has led major collaborative projects, including the first national social mobility surveys in Chile and Mexico. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.
What We Have (Recently) Learned: RC28’s Contributions Over the Last Two Decades.
Jennie E. Brand
Jennie E. Brand is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Professor of Statistics and Data Science (by courtesy). She is Co-Director of the Center for Social Statistics (CSS) at UCLA, President of the Association of Population Centers, and Vice-President (and incoming President) of the ISA RC28. Her research focuses on social stratification, mobility, social demography, education, and causal inference and machine learning methods. She has received numerous honors, including the ASA Methodology Leo Goodman Mid-Career Award. She is the author of Overcoming the Odds: The Benefits of Completing College for Unlikely Graduates (Russell Sage Foundation, 2023). Professor Brand has published in leading journals such as American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Demography.
Michelle Jackson
Michelle Jackson is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Stanford University. Her research focuses on how socioeconomic background shapes life chances, with a particular emphasis on the persistence of inequality in late industrial societies. Her work includes both theoretical and empirical studies, analyzing educational systems and socioeconomic inequality across a variety of countries. In her forthcoming book, The Division of Rationalized Labor, she examines changes in the division of labor in the United States over the past c.150 years. She uses historical, archival, and statistical data to argue that the division of labor has unfolded in ways quite unpredicted by classical theory. Whereas classical theorists assumed that specialized occupations would be responsible for an ever-narrower range of tasks, she shows that the forces of scientific development and rationalization in fact work to complicate tasks and responsibilities.
Hyunjoon Park
Hyunjoon Park is the Korea Foundation Professor of Sociology and Director of the James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He was the secretary/treasurer of ISA RC28 from 2018 to 2023 and an incoming chair of American Sociological Association (ASA) Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section. His research examines the interplay of schools and families in shaping children’s educational outcomes, focusing on how institutional and policy contexts mediate these effects. He has authored numerous articles published in various journals, including Demography, Sociology of Education, and Social Forces and is the author of the book, Re-Evaluating Education in Japan and Korea: De-mystifying Stereotypes.
Nicoletta Balbo (Bocconi University)
Gabriele Ballarino (University of Milan)
Fabrizio Bernardi (UNED)
Giulia Dotti Sani (University of Milan)
Anne-Marie Jeannet (University of Milan)
Yuliya Kosyakova (IAB and University of Bamberg)
Emanuela Struffolino (University of Milan)
Moris Triventi (University of Milan)
Marco Albertini (University of Bologna), Leo Azzolini (University of Trento), Nicoletta Balbo (Bocconi University), Gabriele Ballarino (University of Milano), Kathrine Barg (University of Bristol), Fabrizio Bernardi (UNED Madrid), Ariane Bertogg (University of Konstanz), Danilo Bolano (University of Firenze), Floriane Bolazzi (University of Milano), Franco Bonomi Bezzo (Univerity of Milano), Valeria Brueker (University of Milano), Chiara Comolli (University of Bologna), Alessandro Di Nallo (Max Planck for Demographic Research), Valentina Di Stasio (European University Institute), Zwier Dieuwke (European University Institute), Molly Dondero (American University), Giulia Dotti Sani (University of Milano), Lenka Drazanova (EUI), Emanuele Fedeli (University of Milano), Valeria Ferraretto (University of Trento), Marianna Filandri (University of Torino), Claudia Finger (WZB), Filiz Garip (Princeton University), Carlos Gil-Hernandez (University of Firenze), Anastasia Gorodzeisky (Tel Aviv University), Christian Hunkler (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Jannes Jacobsen (German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)), Anne-Marie Jeannet (University of Milano), Agnieszka Kanas (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Markus Klein (University of Strathclyde), Irena Kogan (University of Mannheim), Selin Koksal (LSHTM), Yuliya Kosyakova (IAB), Nevena Kulic (University of Pavia), Riccardo Ladini (University of Milano), Siliva Laura (Paris School of Economics), Vera Lomazzi (University of Bergamo), Rudd Luijkx (University of Tillburg), Ineke Maas (Utrecht University), Friedolin Merhout (University of Copenhagen), Katy Morris (University of Lausanne), Zachary Parolin (Bocconi University), Giampiero Passaretta (Pompeu Fabra University), Emmanuele Pavolini (University of Milano), David Pettinicchio (University of Toronto), Andrea Pietrolucci (University of Milano), Chiara Pronzato (University of Torino), Michele Raitano (La Sapienza University of Rome), Guido Salza (University of Milano), Simone Sarti (Univerity of Milano), Steffen Schindler (Bamberg University), Chiara Serra (Bocconi University), Maria Sironi (Uni Padova), Jan Skopek (Trinity College Dublin), Christoph Spörlein (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), Emanuela Struffolino (University of Milano), Marco Tosi (University of Padova), Moris Triventi (University of Milano), van Tubergen Frank (NIDI-KNAW / University of Groningen), Leen Vandecasteele (University of Lausanne), Felix Weiss (University of Aarus), Jonas Wiedner (WZB, Germany), Hannah Zagel (TU Dortmund University), Francesca Zanasi (University of Bologna).